Saturday, June 7, 2008


8 qualities of a perfect guy.....................

tagged by my sweet tuss.......................

i think here i have 2 write down some 8 qualities i will look 4 in my mr. rite...............

1. first he has 2 b very humble.should never act arrogant and shud in all conditions respect my parents and my beliefs,standings,dreams and myself.

2. secondly,he shud be quiet gud,if no a master in his field of profession.

3. he shud always understand that i am a free bird.that i need to move 2 places a lot.even without prior notice there is no need 4 a massive tantrum over it,because i wud tell him once i reach there or maybe sutimes when i cum back.he wud never be kept in darkness.

4. he shud not be an orthodox indian.he shud not make an issue over what i wear,whom i meet and talk 2.

5. he shud love me as a lover,guide me as a friend and protect me as a father.

6. he shud give me prioruty over any other female,(ofcourse xcept his sis, if he has one, and his mom).he shud treat me equal to them.

7. he shud be a fun guy.not always serious and mature sorts.

8. and he shud be able 2 pick me up......lolzzzzzzzzzz.thats sumthng that i wud love.

1 comment:

Hammad said...

heya nice goin dudette